Community Bus

Bring the bus stop to your front door with our Community Bus! 

These buses offer a request service redirecting our bus from its route to your front door. Times can be flexible but not guaranteed, as buses will be stopping for several different people to go to several different locations.

  • £4.50 for a single journey of up to five miles, £7 for a journey of up to 10 miles and then £7 plus £1 per mile up to 20 miles
  • Journeys can be booked 7 days in advance
  • Medical appointments can be booked 1 month in advance
  • Paid employment can be booked 14 days in advance

Booking a journey

Call us on 0300 123 7749 between 9am and 4pm, Monday to Friday (please note that lines will be closed from 12 – 1pm) to book.

You must register as a member to use this service – find out more on our Keep Mobile page.

“I would be extremely limited without your transport. The cheerful drivers make my outings a real pleasure.”