Befriending Service

The Age Concern Mole Valley befriending scheme provides volunteers to make a weekly visit to an older person who lives alone, may be housebound, or are experiencing a form of isolation or loneliness. The primary role of a befriender is to provide some regular company by sharing life experiences and interests to those who feel that a bit of regular company may help improve their lives. Generally, Age Concern’s volunteers will visit once a week for about an hour, but this arrangement can be flexible. 

Although Age Concern’s volunteers are always happy to offer support, they are not able to help clients with the following things and may encourage clients to contact their office so that they can help them get the support they may need. For example, Age Concern’s volunteers cannot:

  • Give out their address or personal telephone numbers
  • Provide assistance in the conduct of your financial affairs, e.g., be a beneficiary or executor of your Will
  • Act as a power of attorney
  • Help with personal or domestic care; such as gardening, shopping, or household cleaning
  • Provide transport for hospital or doctors’ appointments (but Mole Valley Life Community Transport can)
  • Manage or handle cash
  • Accept clients as a friend on social media

To learn more, or for other help and information please contact their office on the telephone numbers below.


01306 899104 Monday to Thursday, 9am to 1pm and Friday 9am to 12 pm.

Age Concern’s Volunteer Coordinator can also be contacted on 07821 649683, 9am to 4pm Monday to Wednesday and 9am to 1pm on Thursdays.